* Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111029 17:51]: > > The script is (was) wrong. withstdin was actually a differently purposed > script and did exhibit that behaviour. > > I have modified it. Invoke the new version like this: > > text/html; withstdin --keep --ext=.html open -a Chrome <%s You D'Man Cameron! It works now. :)
<..> > I'm surprised you need a full path to withstdin if it is in your usualy > stuff (as found by which, for example). You really should not need a > full path for Chrome at all if it is a normal app. Unless its name isn't > plain "Chrome" but something longer like "Google Chrome". Command-Tab > should show the app names. I mispoke. I don't need path for withstdin, but yes with Chrome and yes the app name is "Google Chrome" > Please refetch the updated script (realised my error after my earlier > post, have been modifying the script meanwhile). I've barely started my coffee here. I want to look further at your script and see if it will work for image and video attachments. I really appreciate the help, and I hope that your script does some good for someone else also. l8tr -- Tim tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com http://www.akwebsoft.com