On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 11:20:02AM -0400, Tim Gray wrote:

> >Can you share your config parts regarding notmuch / mutt integration?
> >(or do you use it via emacs?)
> I don't use it via emacs. The mutt integration is very similar to what
> you'd do with mairix or mu. A couple of bindings that just run the
> command line 'notmuch' program with your search terms following. You
> do need to do a bit of command line piping to turn the filenames that
> notmuch outputs as search results into symbolic links. Then you jump
> to a maildir with the results.
> Though you can run it directly like this, I wrote a little python
> script that I call instead which gives me readline search history and
> cleans out the search results automatically when I make a new search.
> I've attached the script 'notmuch-mutt.py'.

Hi Tim, thanks for this resource!


Sebastian Tramp
WebID: http://sebastian.tramp.name

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