On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 05:03:39PM -0400, Ed Blackman wrote:

Hi Ed,

this sounds really useful. Since I use tmux, I need to change this macro to
control tmux instead but this is not such a problem.

Can you provide a download link for your mairix wrappe?



> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 01:56:51PM +0200, Sebastian Tramp wrote:
> >I have a question regarding macros in mutt. Currently I use these two
> >macros for searching:
> >
> >macro generic ,f "<shell-escape>mairix " "search via mairix"
> >macro generic ,,f "<change-folder><kill-line>=search<enter>" "load the 
> >search results mailbox"
> >
> >Can I optimize it in the way that after finishing the search with ,f -
> >the result mailbox is automatically loaded?
> I run mutt inside screen, and use the following macro to switch to a
> separate window to run a mairix query.  It will open mutt on the search
> folder if the query is successful.  Otherwise, it will exit, which returns
> me to the original screen session (mutt).
> # prompt for mairix search parameters
> macro index,pager,browser ,m "\
> <enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
> <shell-escape>screen -X screen -t 'mutt search' sh -c 'mairixquery && mutt -f 
> =search'<enter>\
> <enter-command>set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>" "mairix query"
> In my case, mairixquery is a Perl script that prompts me for the mairix
> search string, gives me yes or no prompts for whether to search threads or
> augment previous results, and saves the most recent 100 searches so that I
> can make edits if the query returns too little or way too much.
> It doesn't need to be that fancy for this strategy to work for you, assuming
> you read mutt inside screen.  All it has to do is let you enter mairix
> command line options after the new screen has already been launched.

Sebastian Tramp
WebID: http://sebastian.tramp.name

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