On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:44:16PM +0800, Dan wrote:
but after i read a new message and returned to index, the thread contains that message would be uncollapsed. what should i do if i want to all threads stay collapsed even after i read messages?
Untested, but maybe you could remap the key in the pager that exits to the index (normally 'q') to a macro that does "exit to index, collapse all threads".
Hmmm... in a brief test, both macro pager q "<exit><collapse-all>" and macro pager q "<exit><enter-command>push <collapse-all><enter>"work every other time for me. I view a message, hit 'q', and am back at the index with all threads collapsed. I view another message (or the same one again), hit 'q', and am back at the index with all threads uncollapsed. View another message, hit 'q', and am back at the index with all threads collapsed. Etc.
Maybe someone with a better understanding will suggest a better solution.
-- Ed Blackman
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