On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 04:18:29PM -0500, David Champion wrote:
> To read such a message you need a program that is rfc2822-aware and
> handled both HTML rendering and content-id chasing, or a view wrapper
> that can save your message and all content-id attachments together (e.g.
> to a directory) and then rewrite the HTML so that cid: src references
> refer instead to static files on disk.
> I don't know of such a wrapper offhand, sorry, but maybe the explanation
> will help you find something.
> -- 
> David Champion • d...@uchicago.edu • IT Services • University of Chicago

This could be 'trivial' through use of data urls. Most browsers support
them, and the content is already base64 encoded. I.e. just replace the
cid: reference with a data url when extracting the email. It seems a
more elegant solution than dumping the images to files, and referencing


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