Hello Aidan Gauland,

Am 2011-03-30 20:46:09, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> Hi,
> For some reason, Mutt complains that "delete is only supported for
> IMAP mailboxes" when I type d when an IMAP folder is selected in the
> folder list (the first menu shown when running mutt -y).  I can't see
> anything wrong with my configuration and everything else seems to work
> fine, so I have no idea why it doesn't think any of the IMAP folders
> are, eh, IMAP folders. :/ (I have attached the relevant parts of my
> .muttrc file.)  Can anyone help me with this?

Ehm, ich which folder view are you?

If you type <c><tab>tab> you are normaly in the 

    1 .some_folder
    2 .another_folder

index and if you hit a 3rd <tab> you are in the  index  which  show  the
configured "mailboxes"

    1 imaps://imap.rurallink.co.nz/INBOX.some_folder
    2 imaps://imap.rurallink.co.nz/INBOX.another_folder

so, if you want to delete "another_folder" you have to be in  the  first

> Thanks,
> Aidan Gauland

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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