Hi! I got mutt working smoothly with gpg encryption and signatures. My problem now is that my working environment is full of Windows boxes: I tried to find a solution to use gpg simultaneously with Chrome/Gmail and Outlook'07, but didn't succeeded (some old apps, others unsupported, etc) What I am trying to do now is sending encrypted attachments instead of encrypted e-mails. I installed Cryptophane in the Windows boxes and all is ok, except my mutt is not recognizing .gpg attachments, and a message of "octet-stream/aplication is not supported" is shown in every message I receive with encrypted files, at the time the name of the attachment is changed by something like "=?ISO-8859-1?B?VmVudGFzeGTtYS54bHMuZ3Bn?=" Is there anything I can do to get the attachments un-encrypted on the fly? As an option, I would just save the attachments in a folder and un-encrypt them with the console, but I would need to get an unchanged name of the file, something like v.g. file.xls.gpg. (instead of =?ISO-8859-1?B?VmVudGFzeGTtYS54bHMuZ3Bn?=). I suppose I need to add the MIME type in my .mailcap. Thanks!
-- jm