On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 07:46:36PM +0000, seanh wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 05:37:29PM +0000, seanh wrote:
> > Also, I realised that if the year is 2010 when you archive a mail then it 
> > will
> > go into Archives/2010, even though (if the mail has been hanging around in 
> > your
> > inbox) you might have actually received the mail in 2009. A better macro 
> > might
> > move each mail into a different archive folder depending on the date of the
> > mail. Although in that case I worry about the possibility of receiving an 
> > email
> > in 2010 with an incorrect date header, stating 1977 to 2017 or something, 
> > maybe
> > I'm just paranoid.
> I think save-hook is pretty close to what you would need here. Unfortunately
> you need to filter messages according to their year, and their doesn't seem to
> be a save-hook expando for that (there is one for the date, but only for the
> full date as displayed in the index).

Given that I have this working nicely:
set record="~/Mail/archive/sent-`date +%Y-%m`"

I'm sure that you could do a similar thing in a save-hook. If
you want annual rather than YYYY-MM, just make it `date +%Y`


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