On Nov 05, 2010 at 01:00 AM -0400, Tim Gray wrote:
I recently rebuilt mutt from the hg repository (on Oct. 25th or
thereabouts). I've noticed I've been having a lot of problems with
properly displayed emails with non-ascii codings. Mainly with windows-1252
(and maybe iso-8859-1, I forget). Anyway, I haven't had any problems with
this until just recently. It's also interfering with replies, both with my
homemade script that assumes utf-8 input (which always worked in the past)
and vi, which isn't displaying the non-ascii characters in a useful way.
I don't *think* I changed anything else other than a new build of mutt.
Maybe I did. Has anything changed recently in the source that would screw
up decoding of different character sets? For complete info, I'm running
mutt on Mac OS X 10.6.
Ok, so clearly no one else has this problem. Let me ask this question then.
How does mutt prepare the message when you hit reply? Assuming a message is
in iso-8859-1 encoding. Does mutt decode that and make a new text file with
UTF-8 encoding that it then passes off to your editor? Or does it make a
new text file in the messages original encoding?