On Sat, Nov 06, 2010 at 12:47:53PM +0300, Cristopher Thomas wrote:
> I know it's not an issue for those with mail clients that actually know
> how to handle pgp, but the majority of my email correspondence is with
> people using a Yahoo or Gmail web interface which display a gigantic
> PGP signature block after my message, in addition to an attached
> signature.asc
> Is there any way to get this message sent without the inline block?
> Would doing so cause any problems that might cause me to back of and
> tell my friends to deal with it or switch mail readers?

just make the signature attached as pgp/mime.

just like in this email.

check pgp_autoinline and pgp_mime_auto variables in muttrc.

Best regards,


Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/depesz  /  blog: http://www.depesz.com/
jid/gtalk: dep...@depesz.com / aim:depeszhdl / skype:depesz_hdl / gg:6749007

Attachment: pgpsAlCDjro0t.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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