On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 03:40:16PM -0500, David Champion wrote:
> * On 28 Sep 2010, Will Fiveash wrote: 
> > I'd like to set search to a particular pattern when I view a message
> > with a particular subject.  The reason I want this is that some messages
> > I receive have sections with section delimiters and I want search
> > initialized to that delimiter pattern.  Is this possible and if so can
> > someone give me a hint as to how?
> message-hook '~s pattern' 'macro pager n "<search><kill-line>^===<enter>"; 
> macro pager / "bind pager n search-next; bind pager / search; push /"'
> message-hook . 'bind pager n search-next'
> Untested (naturally) and probably doesn't work due to quoting, but maybe
> a start.

Thanks for the tip, I will check it out.

Will Fiveash

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