On 12.09.10,17:47, Charles Jie wrote: > Hi, > > I want mutt to add a header 'X-PGP-Key' if the message is signed > (from 's' command in pgp-menu). > > I tried to use 'send-hook' as following: > > send-hook ~g 'my_hdr X-PGP-Key: http://wwwkeys.us.pgp.net:11371/...' > > while '~g' means to match "cryptographically signed messages" > > The intention of this is to "Add the X-PGP-Key header if this > message is signed before sending". > > Of course this configuration does not work, because: > > 1. The send-hook is triggered when composing the message. > > 2. The send-hook only sees the pattern as about recipients, not > about anything else. > > Do I have any suitable 'hook' to do it? > > We can only sign it after the message is finished, right? > > So I need a hook which will be triggered when I send the > message (after I decided to sign it). This hook will check if > it's signed and run a my_hdr command to add a header about > keyserver info. > > Any clue? > > (Though I could always add this header even I don't sign. I > still hope to keep the message cleaner and reduce internet > traffic.) >
I tried to make this work by using a double macro like this: macro compose <F5> ":my_hdr X-PGP-KEYS: http://www..." macro compose <F6> "ps <F5>" but that seems not to work as expected. Anyone got a suggestion on how to resolve this? Jostein