Hi all,

I'm hoping to use an S/MIME certificate issued by StartSSL to sign and
encrypt my mail. When trying to add the certificate I get the following

re...@silvertown:~$ smime_keys add_p12 startssl.cert.p12

NOTE: This will ask you for two passphrases:
       1. The passphrase you used for exporting
       2. The passphrase you wish to secure your private key with.

Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
Couldn't identify root certificate!
No root and no intermediate certificates. Can't continue. at
/usr/bin/smime_keys line 708.

Relevant .muttrc snippet:

source /etc/Muttrc.d/smime.rc
set smime_ca_location="~/.smime/roots.crt"

Where /etc/Muttrc.d/smime.rc is the default that ships with Debian. This
is using mutt 1.5.20.

.smime/roots.crt is downloaded from
http://www.startssl.com/certs/ca-bundle.crt .

Does anyone have any pointers for me?



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