* Nicolas Williams <nicolas.willi...@oracle.com> [09-10-10 00:19]:
> But for some use cases external programs like getmail, fetchmail and
> procmail all fall short.  For example, I've given up on fetchmail
> because it dropped 30K messages once (from a 100K msg folder).  I've
> given up on getmail because it doesn't preserve message flags, so if
> I've an IMAP Inbox that I want to leave a few days' worth of messages at
> a time for accessing from multiple MUAs (say, mobiles), then I can't use
> getmail to later move those off the IMAP server.  (No, the getmail
> maintainer was not interested in patches to preserve message
> status/flags.)  If I use IMAP, can't or don't leave mail on the server,
> but can use neither getmail nor fetchmail then how am I to use procmail?

simple.  Use  mutt as you do now and access your mail from "outside" via ssh.
Patrick Shanahan         Plainfield, Indiana, USA        HOG # US1244711
http://wahoo.no-ip.org     Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
Registered Linux User #207535                    @ http://counter.li.org

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