=- Paul wrote on Tue 7.Sep'10 at 12:26:51 +0100 -= > I have mutt set to show my inbox by default, with collapsed > threads ("set sort=threads" and "folder-hook '.' 'push <collapse-all>"). > > When I start mutt from the command line, all is fine - threads are > collapsed. However, when I start it as a command to run as an > argument to some terminal emulators, all is not fine... > > With both Terminator and Konsole, I start with 'terminator -e > mutt' or 'konsole -e mutt'. The respective terminal window pops up > with mutt in it - however, the threads are all expanded. > > Both Xterm and Terminal, however, don't display this behaviour, > they are both fine, ie. threads are collapsed.
Maybe new mails arrived between the tests. Some var controls whether threads with new mail in it shall be collapsed or not. -- © Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal! EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude. You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.