Hello Mutt users, 

I am in the process of moving my mutt platform from a 
Sparce Solaris 9 box to an x86 Solaris 10 box.

In order to resolve issues with the terminal color map
I am now (trying) to run a newer version of mutt but
am receiving an error when I invoke it.

I'm able to provide username and password, but then receive
the error
        Bad IDN "imaps.wadsworth.org".

I did not experience this issue on Solaris 9, Mutt 1.4.1i
(which worked fine), nor on Solaris 10x86 Mutt 1.5.17, which
did not map the colors at all but opened the mailbox just fine.

The error is occuring on the Solaris 10x86 system with Mutt 1.5.20.

I suspect a "set folder" syntax error but don't see it, the .muttrc
files has not been altered.

I think all versions where installed pre-built from sunfreeware.

                                                thank you,

   Brian R Cuttler                 brian.cutt...@wadsworth.org
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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