Hi, friends.

Mutt is marvellous, I start with it only some days ago and now I have
configured it very very funtional to my taste.

Now I use it also to Take Notes.
I made an alias for Postfix to send mails to a black hole, /dev/null so
I can send clean mails to a phantom address in aliases no...@localhost
and with a fcc-hook all of them go to mailbox =notes

I have mutt with "set sort=reverse-threads" so I can see my Notes
threads with nice sorting and order.
Reply to a Notes Subject is a new note about it.
I can have as many Subjects as I will need.
I can Search in body notes or Subject.
With a macro F12 show me the =notes mailbox.

I choose to have all my important writings in pure text, it is
universal, faster than other, so I will be always able to read and edit
my papers, and Notes with Mutt is pure text.

If someone find it useful, please, don't doubt to ask me about config.

Best regards.

Jose Angel Navarro Cortes
email: j...@telefonica.net
web: http://janc.es/
Usuario Linux: #49178

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