I have two questions about groups. Up until now, I've created all of my
groups while creating aliases. I now realize there is a distinction between
the two, and don't really need most of the aliases for the groups, just the
group definitions themselves. Whereas before I would write:
alias -group groupname groupname member1, member2, member3
now I should write:
group -group groupname -addr member1 member2 member3
As long as that is right, it doesn't seem to work for me. I can add members
to a preexisting group defined with an alias command, remove the alias for
the group, and then match agains the group, but I can't define a group from
scratch with the above command.
My second question is why does the group command need the -group switch
after it? Wouldn't:
group groupname -addr member1 member2 be more sensible? Or is there
something I'm missing?