[Re: Colors, mutt, termcap/terminfo] rog...@sdf.org schrieb am 09.06.2010 um 00:01 (-0800): > On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 05:17:06PM -0700, Chip Camden wrote: > >I finally got 256 colors working with mutt and zsh on FreeBSD. Even > >though both of > > Look for the "256colors2.pl" perl color test script. > > It will help you verify 256 colors is *really* working.
http://code.google.com/p/joeldotfiles/source/browse/trunk/256colors2.pl Fantastic! Works great on rxvt and MinTTY on Cygwin. I didn't know the terminal could be so colorful, used to think it was limited to 256 colors. -- Michael Ludwig