On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 03:04:27PM +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:
> Initially mutt downloads only message headers. You can add headers that
> you might need (think color etc) via imap_headers.
> To fasten things up and to not dl headers from old messages again you
> should use header caching (see manual)
Thanks, I read muttrc manual and I just saw this, but with caching download 
more byte. However I thought imap_headers don't 
include something like attach, but I will read better

> Mutt has to dl the whole message body. You cannot select single
> attachments. Again you can use caching (see message_cachedir).

I know this, but i hoped :-P

I thought use fetchmail + procmail leaving message on server
I will comunicate results


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