On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 10:15:07 -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Russell Urquhart <russurquha...@verizon.net> [05-27-10 09:00]:
> > 
> > I was just wondering. In the Apple email tool, there was a bounce command
> > that would reply to a given email(s) and make them look like they had
> > bounced, to the original sender.
> > 
> > Is there a similar command or way to do that in mutt?
> Yes, explained in TFM  :^)
> it is assigned to the "b" key unless you have changed it.

The action performed by Mutt's "bounce-message" function (usually
assigned to the "b" key) is (essentially) the same as that performed by
what Apple Mail's "Redirect" operation.

On the other hand, Apple Mail's "Bounce" operation attempts to mimic a
"user unknown" bounce message that might be generated by a mail system
if your email address didn't actually exist -- the goal apparently is to
trick the sender of that particular original message into thinking they
have an invalid email address and thus stop sending you messages.

Russell, I don't know of any similar feature in Mutt....


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