Hi, I'm wondering about the privacy implications of using mutt. Say I'm using it on my laptop (or any untrusted host, maybe a computer owned and administrated by someone else) and if my laptop gets stolen I don't want my email to be compromised in any way. I don't want a copy of my email to be stored on my laptop, or accessible from it without typing my password. So I use mutt, and I connect to my email account over IMAP with SSL. I don't put my IMAP password in my muttrc file, instead I type it every time I connect.
Just what exactly does mutt store on the laptop? Is the laptop safe as soon as mutt is closed? The header and message cache options seem like an obvious information leak. Which is a shame, because they really speed things up! I suppose a possibility is to encrypt a directory containing the mutt config and cache files etc., and each time you check your email decrypt that directory then launch mutt. Thanks for any tips --