On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 04:28:59PM +0200, Gary wrote:
set alternates="*...@garydjones.name"

# mailing lists
lists test-l...@garydjones.name
subscribe test-l...@garydjones.name

What I did to test was set up an address on my domain and test that as a
"mailing list" (see last section) and then reply to posts to that

The problem only occurs when the "alternates" line is included, but I
don't know if it's faulty config there (should it be "....@gary..."?),
that mutt knows the mailing list is on my domain and therefore decides
not to generate a header (i.e. my test case is wrong) or if it is a bug.

The problem is your alternates setting states that any address at your domain is an alias for your personal address. This is probably interferring with the list detection code. When generating the Mail-Followup-To header field, Mutt will check each address, and the alternates check comes first. In this situation, Mutt will never see it as a mailing list, and thus will not add the header field.


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