
I'm new to this lis, so hi!

I'm trying to use a macro to move the selected message to an imap folder.

Example : my imap folder tree :

I want to keep in INBOX all mails that I have to read and archive message in 

My .muttrc has the following macro :

macro index<f2>  s+imaps://imap.mydomain.tld/2010/inbox-2010<enter>

then in mutt in my messages list, when I press f2 it tells me :

Create imaps:/imap/mydomain/tld/2010/inbox-2010? ([yes]/no):

the "." has been replaced by "/", I tried escaping them with '.' or "." and 
even \. but nothing work.

When I manally type : s followed by imaps://imap.mydomain.tld/2010/inbox-2010 
this works and tells me  :

Append messages to imaps://imap.mydomain.tld/2010/inbox-2010? ([yes]/no):

Do you know how I can make it work ?

Thanks for your help, I don't know how to make it work.


Pierre-Yves Maunier

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