dear mutt-users,

Probably my question was too imprecise.
Jan-Herbert Damm wrote on 16.03.10:
> hello all,
> gpg and mutt used to work fine. now mutt won't find any public keys anymore. I
> have run the following tests:

now i have spent some additional hours on this problem which might
turn out to be some idiot fault of the person behind the keyboard. 

I think i have narrowed it down a bit. For some reason mutt doesn't seem to
call gpg at all - and it might have to do with this error message (which i get
if i just want to sign but not encrypt a mail)

/home/jan/.smime/keys/.index: No such file or directory (errno = 2)

I don't remember ever having a directory .smime/. 

any hints are much needed...

> ----beginn gpg-test--- 
> j...@herb:~$ cat test.txt
> this is the content of test.txt
> j...@herb:~$ gpg -se -r Markus test.txt
>     [prompted to enter my passphase]
> pub  2048g/0F663F56 2009-07-17 Markus Dxxx <>
> [...]
> j...@herb:~$ gpg -d test.txt.gpg
>     [prompted to enter my passphase]
> gpg: verschlüsselt mit 2048-Bit ELG-E Schlüssel, ID 0F663F56, erzeugt
> 2009-07-17
>       "Markus Dxxx <>"
>       gpg: verschlüsselt mit 2048-Bit ELG-E Schlüssel, ID A9EEDA47, erzeugt
>       2008-11-30
>             "Jan-Herbert Damm (email-verschlüsselung) <>"
>             this is the content of test.txt
> [...]
> ----end gpg-tests----
> Thus i reckon that gpg is working, though i am confused why i can decrypt the
> testfile when i encrypted it with somebody elses pub-key.
> In my muttrc I have:
> ---beginn muttrc---
> set pgp_timeout=1800
> set pgp_replyencrypt=yes
> set pgp_sign_as=FA5B6661
> set crypt_replyencrypt=yes  
> set crypt_replysignencrypted
> source /etc/Muttrc.d/gpg.rc 
> ----end muttrc---
> gpg.rc is is a standard ubuntu preinstalled file which has worked before. It
> contains this line that seems to not be working correctly:
> set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd
> 0? --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u
> %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
> I am at a loss of how to go about analyzing what's going wrong here. If
> someone could tell me what else to try i am very grateful.
> jan


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