On 04.02.10,15:13, Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> Jostein advised me in another thread (but I'm taking it to here):
> >For your charset issues, try to to enter these settings in your .muttrc:
> >set charset="UTF-8"
> >set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:iso-8859-2:utf-8"
> >set locale="C"
> >and in your .bashrc:
> >export LC_CTYPE="de_DE.UTF-8"
> >export LOCALE="de_DE"
> As for .bashrc I had this already.
> What I didn't have was the bit more complex send_chrset setting and
> the set locale="C".
> Don't know whether UTF-8 or utf-8 matters.
> Anyway it did not solve the pager issue.
> (s.b.)
> Actually I was content with the send_charset="utf-8". Don't know
> what implication it has. Especially people told me
> that my umlauts were messed in replies on replies of them. What
> happens actually to a message which comes as utf-8 encoded and the
> reciepient replies in iso-8859-1 or some other encoding? Would the
> reply converted into the repliers
> encoding? I would say so.

You have some more information on Mutt and umlauts on the Mutt Wiki:


- Jostein


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