On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 05:23:42PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> * On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 02:20PM +0000 chombee (chom...@lavabit.com) muttered:
> > I've noticed that mutt doesn't seem to write changes to my local
> > maildirs until I hit $ or change maildirs. Is there a way to get it to
> > automatically write changes to a local maildir?
> Simply put - no.
> You could write macros that do [someaction]<sync-mailbox> eg.
> <delete-message><sync-mailbox> but that's obviously dangerous.

Ah well, I'll just have to get used to pressing $. I'm kind of surprised
that mutt doesn't automatically save changes after a timeout, as in the
autosave feature of most text editors, although come to think of it only
GUI text editors do that.

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