Mail I send is rarely indexed with the To: field. I use and receive mail for about a dozen names on the same domain. I need to reply with the same of those names as was originally sent to, especially regarding list mail.
Easy enough with folder-hooks setting my_hdr and realname. Snafu: the magic %F sequence only shows the To: field in the index when sending with the name corresponding to my system user name--evidently retrieved from /etc/password or the "email environment variable." In the 11 other cases, the From: field is indexed, as if from someone by the same name as I am sending with. I have spent some time reading without much traction. Stuff like reverse_name and muttprofile address this issue. Realname is suppressed by the From: header, which evidently must correspond to my system name before %F writes the To: field in the folder index. I'm not finding any satisfactory reading on this. FWIW, I am using mutt 1.5.20 with mutt-pached on Debian testing with fetchmail and exim4. -- Kind Regards, Freeman