Currently I am using the ivy league color theme from Aaron Toponce (see link
below) with a couple of modifications to make it work in my transparent KDE

I was looking for similar 256 color themes for mutt but there does not appear to
be any on the whole Internet.

Are there any other themes around? Or is anyone willing to share their colors?

Here I attach the color setting I use. To use it I source it in my .muttrc file
    source /path/to/ivy256

Horacio Sanson
# 256 color theme from 
# Make sure you set TERM=xterm-256color for these colors to display correctly.
# In console you must edit the profile ENV and set the TERM variable there.

# The chosen color selection
# 34 - green
# 111 - blue
# 124 - red
# 142 - orange
# 193 - tan
# 233 - black

# general-doesn't-fit stuff
color normal color193 default
color error color193 color124
color markers color142 default
color tilde color142 default
color status color142 default

# index stuff
color tree color124 default
color indicator color21 color193
color index color193 default ~A
color index color34 default ~N
color index color34 default ~O
color index color124 default ~F
color index color160 default ~D
color index color210 default ~T

# header stuff
color hdrdefault color122 default
color header color111 default "^Subject"

# gpg stuff
color body color34 default "^gpg: Good signature.*"
color body color193 color124 "^gpg: BAD signature.*"
color body color142 default "^gpg: Can't check signature.*"
color body color142 default "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----"
color body color142 default "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----"
color body color142 default "^-----END PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----"
color body color142 default "^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----"
color body color142 default "^Version: GnuPG.*"
color body color142 default "^Comment: .*"
#color body color142 default "^[[:alnum:]/\+=]+[[:space:]]+$"

# url, email and web stuff
color body color111 default "(finger|ftp|http|https|news|telnet)://[^ >]*"
color body color111 default "<URL:[^ ]*>"
color body color111 default 
color body color111 default "mailto: *[^ ]+\(\\i?subject=[^ ]+\)?"
color body color111 default "[-a-z_0-9.%...@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"

# misc body stuff
color attachment color111 default
color signature color142 default

# quote levels
color quoted color34 default
color quoted1 color142 default
color quoted2 color34 default
color quoted3 color142 default
color quoted4 color34 default
color quoted5 color142 default
color quoted6 color34 default
color quoted7 color142 default
color quoted8 color34 default
color quoted9 color142 default

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