* Robert Holtzman on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 11:08:05 -0700
> Having one problem with it. When installed in debian lenny on
> my desktop box and on ubuntu hardy on my laptop it's fine.
> Hiting "c" shows the default mailbox to open as the next one
> with new mail. Better than alpine. Installed on ubuntu hardy,
> also on my desktop box, hitting "c" causes it to ask what
> mailbox to open and I have to bring up the list and scroll down
> to the one I want. Why the difference between ubuntu on the two
> different computers is driving me nuts. The ~/,muttrc file is
> the same on all three, having been copied via a flash drive.
> Any ideas?

Not more than Kyle has wrt to system Muttrc interfering I'm
afraid. You could try (layman's debugging) whether "mutt -y"
shows the same list of mailboxes. Or hit ? after <change-folder>,
and then <Tab> to toggle the list view. It seems the mailboxes
command does not do the same thing.

Sorry, can't really be of help because I cannot reproduce it.

  Was heißt hier Dogma, ich bin Underdogma!
[ What the hell do you mean dogma, I am underdogma. ]

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