[I deleted the original message, so I'm replying to a reply. Sorry...]

> =- Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote on Thu 12.Nov'09 at  7:46:04 +0100 -=
> > I read quite a bit of email via IMAP and GPRS on a notebook whilst
> > travelling. Several times per journey, notebook loses the network,
> > because the coverage is patchy. When this happens, even after
> > regaining the network, mutt freezes. My solution up to now has
> > been to open another shell, kill mutt's process, and restart.
> > 
> > Is there a better way?

Better, I guess not, but a bit more convenient would be to run mutt in a screen
session, then you can kill mutt by just pressing `C-a k'.

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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