also sprach Kyle Wheeler <> [2009.11.06.0518 +0100]:
> > for a few weeks now, my mutt (version info below) renders HTML 
> > messages as HTML, i.e. it does not run them through w3m, which is 
> > configured in mailcap as the first copiousoutput text/html viewer. I 
> > also have implicit_autoview on.
> No idea on this one.

I managed to fix it by adding text/html to auto_view. I think it
must have been set implicitly, or in /etc/Muttrc before.

> > What's worse is that hitting <enter> on such attachments just places 
> > the raw HTML into the internal pager. If I use <view-mailcap> ('m'), 
> > then a browser is spawned.
> That's easy: mutt's default behavior changed. To return your original 
> behavior, just specify it in your muttrc:
>     bind attachments <enter> view-mailcap

Okay. Thanks. Actually I'll leave it as is and try to memorise
<enter> and 'm'. Most of the times, <enter> should be all I need!


martin | |
remember, half the people are below average.

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