On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 11:18:52AM +0100, Konstantin Kletschke wrote:
> Well, in mutt terms both are "directory": Browsing local
> filesystem and imap mailboxes (with c - TAB).
> When entering the browser the cursor hits the first entry of the list
> instead of keeping its postition on the last left entry. Is this
> behaviour able to be configured?

I'm sure it can be; let me just say that I don't know how.

When I used Debian's binary mutt 1.5.18 it behaved as per what you want.
When I switched to mutt 1.5.20 (compiled by me) it behaved as per what
you have now.  I guess this means that the behavior changed from version
.18 to version .20, a compile option is missing or a patch is missing.

This behavior used to annoy me when I first started using my own mutt
1.5.20 but I don't give it a second thought now as I use the index
numbers to navigate.

> I found a ticket regarding this:
> http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1268
> Is this still active - namely and unhandled issue? I wonder because 4
> years before it is considered half intregated...
> Kind Regards, Konsti
> -- 
> Fingerprint: 13C9 B16B 9844 EC15 CC2E  A080 1E69 3FDA EF62 FCEF

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