* Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> 31.10.2009
> Hello,
> I'm receiving mails from a bulletin board forum in form of the
> encoding 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable' and having URLs
> in the body as
>       This thread is located at:
> http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3D47590&goto=3D=
>       newpost
> i.e. the sign '=' is encoded as =3D and the URL is broken, should be in
> the above case:
> http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/forums/showthread.php?t=47590&goto=newpost
> Ofc, urlview(1) is unhappy and unable to offer the correct URL to send it
> to the browser. Any idea how to solve this, maybe with putting something
> in from of urlview(1) to pipe through before it goes to this....?

Hello Matthias,

in Debian there is a package called 'urlscan'. I think it's better than 
'urlview' because it can also handle messages which are 
quoted-printable. I tested it with links which include the '=3D' and 
without it and it always gaves the same side in my browser.

Package: urlscan
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Daniel Burrows <dburr...@debian.org>
Version: 0.5.6-0.1
Depends: python, python-central (>= 0.6), python-urwid
Suggests: mutt, www-browser
Description: Extract and browse the URLs contained in an email (urlview 
 urlscan searches for URLs in email messages, then displays a list of
 them in the current terminal.  It is primarily meant as a replacement
 for urlview, which it improves upon in the following ways:
  * urlscan understands email encodings such as quoted-printable;
    urlview does not.
  * urlscan extracts and displays the context surrounding each URL.
Python-Version: current

Here is a part from '/usr/share/doc/urlscan/README':

1) Features

  urlscan parses an  email message passed on standard  input and scans
  it for URLs.   It then displays the URLs and  their context within the
  message, and allows you to choose one or more URLs to send to your Web

  Relative to urlview, urlscan has the following additional features:

  (1) Support for emails in quoted-printable and base64 encodings.  No
      more stripping out =40D from URLs by hand!

  (2) The context  of each  URL is provided  along with the  URL.  For
      HTML mails, a crude parser is used to render the HTML into text.

Hth Michael

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the 
 same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
             -Albert Einstein

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