On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 02:32:33AM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> From the Fine Manual:
> 1. Regular Expressions
> ...
>    The search is case sensitive if the pattern contains at least one
>    upper case letter, and case insensitive otherwise.  
> ...  There is more

Yes, I read that. But I don't see anywhere in that manual where it
says anything to the effect of "the search is case sensitive if your
$charset is UTF-8, and case insensitive if it is us-ascii." Am I
missing something else that is documented there?

As my original post indicated, and illustrated by example, the problem
is not related to an uppercase letter; there are none in the search
patterns I am using. The case sensitivity of the regexp seems to be
linked to the LC_ environment variables and/or the $charset in Mutt.

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