On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Ersin Akinci <ersin.aki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, that's right, not in a DOS window under Windows or
> in DOSBox but under 100% MS-DOS.
Wow. I didn't realize the world economic problems had gotten that bad.
There's a thread on the Xorg list about someone resurrecting a
1995-era laptop. What next? "How do I play my mp3s on this walkman?" ?

Anyway, since you specified *MS*-DOS, I wondered if maybe you'd tried
FreeDOS? If the mutt developers decide that supporting MS-DOS isn't
worth it and you can't hack their code, you might at least have some
luck convincing FreeDOS developers to make it support mutt.

Or maybe there's some other particular reason why you're using MS-DOS
(another DOS-only application?).


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