* Daniel Dalton <d.dal...@iinet.net.au>:
> Hi,
> Could someone please point me to some documentation, or give me some
> ideas on how I can set up a good spam filter that will:
> 1. Move spam to a folder titled junk

Usually a spam filter classifies a message and another program, a LDA such as
procmail, moves it to a special location e.g. a subfolder.

If you use SpamAssassin to detect spam, take a look at this tutorial:


> 2. Allow me to report spam if something isn't caught.

Would you send the spam message to the postmaster (not recommended, because
sending the message will alter the message and you'd loose important
classification criteria) or would you move the message to a subfolder where
'some script' will pick it up and feed it to the anti spam application?

> 3. If something is thought to be spammed, a way for me to remove it from
> the spam filters so next time it will end up in the inbox.
> I would of course like to be able to do 2 and 3 from within mutt.

Same here. Move it to a subfolder and have it picked up?

> What spam filters do others here use?

SMTP session control (they do the heavy work) and then SpamAssassin with some
plugins added. Works pretty well for our customers (and me).


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