* Noah Sheppard <nhshepp...@taylor.edu> [2009-09-23 12:36]:
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 06:09:38PM +0200, Michael Wagner wrote:
> > * Wu, Yue <vano...@gmail.com> 23.09.2009
> > > In mutt offical site, the documentation for devel version:
> > > 
> > >     text version: http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.txt
> > > 
> > > is an uncompleted version, which just give a table of
> > > contents and the first chapter.
> > > 
> > >     text gzipped version:
> > >     http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.txt.gz
> > > 
> > > isn't a gzipped version actually, I can't gunzip with it.
[ ... ]
> I can confirm the first problem using Firefox 3.0.14 on Gentoo
> Linux, 64-bit. As far as the second, I'm not sure if I'm
> experiencing what Wu is.  I cannot reproduce the "unable to
> gzip" problem, at least.

Firefox 3.0.14 on Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit here.  The uncompressed
manual appears to be to truncated when displayed in Firefox.
Same thing with ELinks 0.12pre2.

When running 'gzip -tv manual.txt.gz', it reports "OK".

When viewing the directory listing on the server at
<http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/> with either Firefox or ELinks,
the file size for the uncompressed manual appears to be smaller
than the file size for the compressed manual.  Leads me to think
that the uncompressed manual stored on the server is in fact

[ ... ]
> When viewed in firefox or downloaded with wget, manual.txt is
> only the table of contents + first chapter.
> When viewed in firefox, manual.txt.gz displays as a text/plain
> file, but it's apparently got some kind of unicode going on,
> because valid characters alternate with little squares
> containing numbers (utf16 character codes or something similar,
> I presume).  It appears as though Firefox is automatically
> gunzip'ing the file for me.

I think that it's formatted using embedded backspace characters
to simulate bolded text.  Displays as such when downloaded an
viewed with less or when viewed within ELinks.

Not sure whether it is the client (in this case Firefox or
ELinks) or the server performing decompression, but I know that
data can be compressed on-the-fly using gzip server-side.

> When I download manual.txt.gz with wget and then unzip it and
> vim the result, I again see alternating valid character and
> <##> (I have "set display+=uhex in my .vimrc).  This may very
> well be a configuration problem on my side, that I don't see
> non-utf8 files correctly.

Try less and 'col -b manual.txt | less' if the former doesn't
display cleanly.  The col command will strip embedded backspace

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