On 2009-09-22, Wu, Yue wrote:
> Hi, list,
> I have a weird issue, my mailcap has this entry:
>     text/html; opera '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
> But I still can't view the html attachment, opera always shows me a blank html
> file. What's wrong?

Is opera running in the foreground or in the background?  In other
words, when opera is attempting to display an attachment, is mutt
unresponsive to the keyboard or can you still control it?  If opera
is running in the background so that you can still control mutt
while opera is running, then the problem is probably that mutt is
clearing and deleting the file before opera has had a chance to read
it.  You'll need to either delay mutt's clearing of the file, e.g.,
by putting a sleep command after opera's invocation, or copy the
file before starting opera and running opera on the copy.  You can
find out more here:


A simpler solution would be to have mutt deliver the attachment to
opera's standard input, if that's possible with opera.


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