On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:28:43AM +0200, Angel Spassov wrote: > When sending an e-mail, if I do not enter a valid e-mail address in > the "To:" header then mutt tries to auto-complete it. For instance, > if I enter "goodguy" mutt extends it to > "good...@fakedress@fakedomain.com". > > Well, obviously I entered this other stupid "fakedr...@fakedomain.com" > somewhere but I am not finding it anywhere in .muttrc, .msmtprc, > .procmailrc or the like.
Try reading the "alias_file" section of `man muttrc`. Autocomplete, for me done with <tab>, looks in my alias file. Another possibility is that fakedomain.com is the domain name of your machine. Read the manual sections on "hidden_host", "hostname" and "use_domain". -- Monte