On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 03:52:38PM -0400, Thomas Baker wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 04:22:03PM -0400, Thomas Baker wrote:
> > So that when I clicked on a link such as:
> > 
> >     ============================================================
> >     <a href="file://localhost/e:/foo/bar.mbox">Foobar</a>
> >     ============================================================
> > 
> > in Firefox, it would run mutt, opening the mailbox bar.mbox.  It
> > was fantastic!
> It may interest readers of this list to know that I was able to solve
> this problem by downloading and installing rxvt, then modifying mbox.bat
> to execute:
>     ============================================================
>     C:\Cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -fn courier -fg Black -bg Wheat -sr -e E:\mbox.sh 
> "%1"
>     ============================================================

See my previous reply.

Ugh, again.  Configure ~/.Xdefaults with the following and you can skip
the overlong command line:

  Rxvt*scrollBar: false
  Rxvt*font: Courier
  Rxvt*foreground: #000000
  Rxvt*background: #d8d8bf
  Rxvt*geometry: 86x34+27+58

Lots of other options available, none of which needs to be repeated
unecessarily in batch files or scripts.

> This works great - I can open mbox files with mutt by clicking
> on them in Firefox.
> However, now I have a different (though minor) problem, which
> may in fact be more closely related to mutt than my original
> question:
> When I call up mutt, the first mail line covers the help line, like
> this:
>     q:Q1   T 2009-05-27 John Johnston    10K  RE: Metadaten
>        2 r T 2009-05-27 John Johnston    10K  |=>
>        3 r C 2009-05-29 Barbara Jones    13K  `->                          
> Only when I read a message and return to the index do the index lines
> return to their proper position, showing the help line:
>     q:Quit  d:Del  u:Undel  s:Save  m:Mail  r:Reply  g:Group  ?:Help
>        1   T 2009-05-27 John Johnston    10K  RE: Metadaten
>        2 r T 2009-05-27 John Johnston    10K  |=>
>        3 r C 2009-05-29 Barbara Jones    13K  `->                          
> A minor annoyance, but is this perhaps a known problem, particularly
> with X windows?

Sorry, no idea what your lastest problem is, but I'll point out again
that Cygwin's rxvt doesn't require X to be running.  If you are running
X, then ask your questions on the Cygwin X list. 


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