I just upgraded to mutt-1.5.20 on Gentoo and when starting mutt I gett two
Error in /home/joseph/.mutt/format, line 22: header_cache: unknown variable
Error in /home/joseph/.mutt/muttrc, line 1: source: errors in
source: errors in /home/joseph/.mutt/muttrc
The first line 22 referes to line:
set header_cache="~/.mutt_headercache/"
it is not recognized, don't know why.
Second one muttrc line 1:
source ~/.mutt/format
format file:
set mbox_type=Maildir
set spoolfile=~/.maildir/inbox # open the mail box upon start-up
incoming mails (~/.mail/inbox)
set move=no
set alias_file="~/.mutt/aliases" #aliases file
set pager_context=1
set pager_index_lines=9 #show a mini-index in pager
set menu_scroll
set pgp_verify_sig=no #dont show pgp in pager
set status_on_top #put status line at top
set sort=threads #sort by message threads in index
set header_cache="~/.mutt_headercache/" #cache header
set text_flowed # set format=flowed
set pager_format="%-10.10i %[!%a %b %d %R]"
set date_format="!%H:%M %a %d %b "
set index_format="%4C %Z %d %?X?%X& ? %-15.15n (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"
set folder_format="%t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
set delete=yes #delete without prompting
set include=yes #quote msg in reply
set fast_reply=yes #no prompting on reply
set beep=no #no noise
set markers=no #no + on wrapped lines
set confirmappend=no #no prompt for save to =keep
set to_chars=" +TCF" #no L for mail_list
set date_format="!%D %R" # include the year (with index_format)
set send_charset="iso-8859-1:utf-8"
attachments +A */.*
attachments -A text/x-vcard
attachments -A application/pgp.*
attachments -A application/x-pkcs7-.*
attachments -A message/external-body
attachments +I text/plain
attachments -I message/external-body
--------end file---------