On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 10:29:50AM +0100, Arthur Dent wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 00:31 -0600, lee wrote:
> > Or is there another MUA which can do this and work on maildir?
> It may be heresy to say this on a Mutt list, but have you tried
> Evolution?

Yes --- it's polluting my mail storage by putting index files (or
whatever it is) everywhere. Besides that I don't like that, it
probably also means that information is stored which only Evolution
can use so that I would be without this information when using another

> Evolution has the ability to "tag" (not in the Mutt sense, but in a
> categorising sense - with an associated colour)

That's probably the kind of information stored in the extra files.

> Of course Evolution is a (very) heavyweight GUI application and if you
> are used to the agility and flexibility of Mutt it may not be what you
> want..

Indeed --- being heavyweight wouldn't matter much, but having to deal
with all the different windows or with displaying many things at once
and not having enough room for that and the keyboard only half-way
supported are some things that make me not like GUI MUAs. The only
one I found ok was the built-in one mozilla had, but it was somewhat
limited in functionality. And what when I want to read my mails on the
console, like when X isn't working or when I feel like doing that?

The last one I tried was "wanderlust", running in emacs. It's nice but
can be awfully slow and doesn't really have advantages over mutt, so I
went back to mutt. Gnus didn't want to work, and it seems to be too
much a newsreader to make for a good MUA.

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