On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 11:05:00AM +0200, Joost Kremers wrote:

> At the risk of stating the obvious, you need to put that in your ~/.emacs
> (~/.xemacs? or wasn't it in some subdir with xemacs? I don't know...) and then
> restart xemacs to make sure it takes effect.

Yeah, I did that. XEmacs has a menu option to edit the right
file. That makes it easy, and sometimes xemacs said that there's a
problem in the file when I got something wrong.

> > There is some
> > documentation, like about elisp, but what I haven't found is a
> > documentation that would explain things like that so that one could
> > learn how to program emacs.
> Emacs comes with an introduction to Elisp and the full documentation to Elisp.
> Just start info mode (C-h i) and search for 'Emacs Lisp Intro' and 'Elisp'.

Well, I have:

XEmacs Editor
* Common Lisp: (cl).                    GNU Emacs Common Lisp emulation
* Customizations: (custom).             Customization Library.
* External Widget: (external-widget) External Client Widget.
* FAQ: (xemacs-faq).                    XEmacs FAQ.
* Internals: (internals).               XEmacs Internals Manual.
* Intro: (new-users-guide).             Introduction to the XEmacs Editor.
* Lispref: (lispref).                   XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual.
* Term mode: (term).                    Emacs terminal emulator mode.
* Widgets: (widget).                    The Emacs Widget Library.

Somehow, that isn't what I would need. I found an elisp-intro online,
but it doesn't explain how to program xemacs. Like it doesn't tell you
what hooks are and what they do and which functions might be called by
which mode or that flyspell-mode is a minor mode and that this and
that doesn't work as one would expect ...

> > But one thing I tried was to append flyspell-mode to
> > auto-mode-alist just like post-mode:
> Which is not going to work, because only the first matching mode in
> auto-mode-alist is activated. That's why auto-mode-alist should only be used 
> for
> major modes, not for minor modes. Minor modes (like flyspell-mode) should be
> turned on via mode hooks.

That's what I mean: How do you know all that?

> it shouldn't be difficult... (add-hook 'post-mode 'turn-on-flyspell) should do
> the trick...

For some reason, it works now :) It seems that it doesn't work on the
first mail I'm editing after starting xemacs, but from the second on.

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