* lee on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 00:31:17 -0600
> is it possible to somehow create a display that is split up in some
> way,

Not that I know of. If I were interested in it I would probably
use GNU screen, split the screen and invoke 2 intances of mutt.
(Hardly what you're looking for, I know)

> or is there a way to assign mails to categories and fold these
> categories?

Have you tried how far you can get with the <limit> command? And
possibly a few macros with customized patterns?
> What I want to see as overview of my inbox is something like a number
> of categories and the number of new messages in each category. I would
> like to have the mails automatically sorted into categories by
> criteria like "spam score > X" or sender, and I would like to be able
> to create new categories and assign messages to them without having to
> edit my ~/.muttrc.

Not automatically. If I knew the the categories in advance I'd
probably use the MDA (procmail etc.) for it.

But with <limit> (bound to "l" by default) and mutt's pattern
matching you can do a lot on the fly, e.g. viewing all messages
by you is just a matter of typing:


View all messages from configured mailing lists:


> This is different from moving the messages into different
> folders. Different folders aren't displayed in the message list, and I
> don't move messages into another folder unless that folder is their
> final storage. It can take quite a while before I decide what that
> final storage is going to be, and the list of messages in my inbox
> gets longer every day. Having foldable categories in the message list
> would make dealing with the mail much easier.
> I think you get the idea ... If that isn't possible, it's a feature
> request. Hm, hasn't that been requested yet?
> Or is there another MUA which can do this and work on maildir?

This discussion about Sup on mutt-dev might be worth a look. No
split views either though, afaics. I haven't tried it.

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