On 10Jul2009 13:48, Nicolas Rachinsky <mutt-user...@ml.turing-complete.org> 
| * Rocco Rutte <pd...@gmx.net> [2009-07-10 13:44 +0200]:
| > I don't know if I mentioned this already, but I think I once hacked
| > support for read-only variables in mutt-ng that would expose certain
| > internal settings.
| >
| > Would something like this be useful for mutt, too? If yes, doing this
| > for one variable only is silly, so anything else that's needed besides
| > the current folder name?
| I think, this could be very useful.

Me too. Witness the hoop jumping I and others have recently done to get that,
also the worse hoop jumping to then _use_ that value in an external/shell

| Message-ID of the current message, filename of the current message
| (for maildir/mh folders).

Yes please!

And right after that I would like two other facilities:

 - setenv ENVVAR "mutt-string-with-$mutt-vars"
     to get mutt variables available to an external command

 - push muttvar "new value"
   pop muttvar
     to make a number of macros much easier to write; currently
     some of my macros must know that I use a particular setting,
     and that in turn means I must know to not alter that setting

Usual disclaimer: I speak as one not likely to code this myself.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

Strong typing isn't for weak minds; the argument 'strong typing is for weak
minds' is for weak minds. - Guy Harris

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