On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 02:00:25PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> Hi,
> * John J. Foster wrote:
> > All of my function keys stopped working with the latest tip.
> Not here. Any bindings, any example? With command+F1 I get the manual as
> expected.
This was pretty much self-inflicted. I've been having command line
display problems (while doing reverse-search in history) 
using xterm-color in Terminal.app, so I added

export TERM=Apple_Terminal

to my .profile per a suggestion on an Apple - Unix discussion list. This
solved my display problem, but I obviously didn't fully check out all of
the other ramifications. So, back to xterm-color for the time being.

I just want to break even.

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