
* Yannick Delbecque wrote:

> To this end, I use the
> following folder-hook:

>       folder-hook .*notes macro compose y "<write-fcc>^\r<exit>n"

That's a neat trick.

> It does exactly what I want, except that it does not set the date. As
> far as I understand, this is because the mail is never actually send and
> processed.

> I tried to set the date with my_hdr using

>       folder-hook .*notes my_hdr Date: `date +"%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"`

> When I edit a new message, the date header shown in the editor (with
> edit_headers set) has the correct field value, but when I "send" it with
> the above macro in place, the saved message does not have the correct
> date header -- it is set to the unix epoch.

Almost right, it's not set to epoch, but it's missing completely so mutt 
has no other chance than assuming epoch. Furthermore, mutt was treating 
the messages written out by <write-fcc> as postponed messages, not as 
actual Fcc messages. This is fixed in changeset 5942:bd0828adede8.

So above trick should do using hg tip version of mutt.


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