On Sat 13 Jun 2009 at 11:54:03 PDT Charlie Kester wrote:
My only complaint is that it uses Terminal.app to launch mutt. I prefer iTerm because, among other things, it can emulate a 256-color terminal that works with the colors I've so painstakingly defined in my muttrc (and vimrc). Looking at the source code, I see that MuttToMail is using Applescript to talk to Terminal and that there's really only one line of code that needs to be changed to make it talk to iTerm instead. So my project for the weekend is to play around with some iTerm scripts to see if I can get it to work. If anyone's interested in the results, I can share them off-list.
Turns out that someone has already submitted a patch to add iTerm support to MuttToMail: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1790780&group_id=110086&atid=656948