On 08Jun2009 12:13, Tim Johnson <t...@johnsons-web.com> wrote:
| * Kyle Wheeler <kyle-m...@memoryhole.net> [090608 11:52]:
| > On Monday, June  8 at 07:58 AM, quoth Tim Johnson:
| > >Is it possible to set a bookmark, preferably in the browser? 
| > 
| > Not as such, no.
| > 
| > What exactly would you expect that a bookmark would do? Quickly jump 
| > to the last message you read, I assume? Would jumping to the last 
| > unread message be sufficient? Because you can do the latter with the 
| > tab key.
|   No. I would want it to open the entire mailbox. Not a big deal - I
|   can bookmark the directory for the mailbox in MC, go to it, C-x P
|   and copy the command line.
|   thanks

Personally I wish I could go to a message by Message-ID. Then stuff
could be build on top of that as "open mailbox, go to message-id".
Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

Do you even know anything about perl? - AC replying to Tom Christiansen post

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